Futile attempts


I can throw my blog posts ino the void just like anyone else.  I am sure I will get the hang of this or accidently use the right method to reach out.  It is sort of a challenge; that's probably what keeps me going.

Internet maze


I feel like I enter another dimension when I  try to learn another function of the internet.  With my etsy store, I am probably trying to learn too many things at once.  It is a maze of connecting systems that should lead a track to my store.  Unfortunately, the driver of this train is a bit slower,and a basically self taught computer tech.  Anyhow, today's lesson is trackback.  I understand what it is for,  but no idea how to.  Help.
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I have just starting blooging and with this little bit I can see the possibilities.  I was thinking the internet would leave us lonely islands, but maybe not.  I think one can be compelled to want to reach out and share our thoughts.
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